Having spent a number of years publishing school pupils at different levels we are delighted to now extend out offering to English Language School students!

We all know what a huge achievement it is to become a published author – but to achieve as much in a language that is not your first is simply incredible… and that is exactly what we are making happen through our partnerships with some of the country’s top English Language Schools.

Proudly supported by The Hard Rock Café, Dublin, our newly-published authors will not only benefit from being published as part of a collective book of stories/poems, they will also get a super goody bag with Hard Rock Café merchandise and free drinks tokens! 

So whether they are based in Dublin for the duration of their course or visiting the capital city at some stage during their stay, they will have a trip to the iconic café to look forward to!

If you running an English Language school and are interested in finding out more, contact us on info@emuink.ie


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